
We are located on the Parnassus Campus,
within the Immunology and Microbiology community.


The Ashouri Lab welcomes applications from postdoctorates with strong backgrounds in Immunology and Molecular Biology.  Postdoctorate candidates who have backgrounds in computational biology, animal models of autoimmune disease, and microbiology who are interested in studying tolerance and antigen-receptor signaling in autoimmune disease are also encouraged to apply.  Please contact us with a cover letter, CV, and three references.

Graduate students enrolled at UCSF are also welcome to rotate through the lab.  Please contact PI, Judith Ashouri-Sinha, to discuss your interests.

Contact ASHOURI Lab

Judith Ashouri-Sinha, MD
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143
office phone:  415-476-7160
email: [email protected]

ASHOURI Lab Address

Ashouri Lab
513 Parnassus Avenue
Medical Sciences Building, S-1014
San Francisco, CA 94143